Canakkale Clock Tower - 4.3 mi / 6.9 km

Canakkale Clock Tower - 4.3 mi / 6.9 km

Canakkale Clock Tower - 4.3 mi / 6.9 km

TJ's Hotel 0 Comments Friday, June 04, 2021

Canakkale Clock Tower, Canakkale province of Central clock tower in the district. Built in 1896 by Sanjak Bey Cemil Pasha financing of Vitalis Gaptiorele, tower is 20 meters high and has five floors.

The existing building has a square plan and a form that tapers from the bottom up. The structure, which was built with cut stone, is approximately 20 m. on five floors. is in height. At the top is a domed and polygonal pavilion with a clock bell. The first floor where the fountain is located is higher and wider than the others. The body of the tower is divided into five floors by transverse moldings. The molding on the first floor is wider than the others and there are consoles supporting the balcony of the second floor just above it. Smaller parallels of these decorations can be seen on the second and later fourth floors. On the third floor, a simple under-wiping decoration similar to a hedgehog fringe draws attention. The fourth floor, which was added later, has a form in which four colonnades are used as decorative elements in the corners, unlike the others, and the circular dial is located on each face. The octagonal fifth floor has an onion-like dome, and the openings on each face were covered with turquoise Çanakkale ceramics during recent repairs. There is an opening on each face of the second and third floors of the tower. These are smaller in size with pointed arches on the third floor and have stone jambs. Those on the second floor are pointed arched doors flanked on three sides by two large pipe moldings. On the south face of the first floor, there is a door surrounded by two pointed arches and indented from the surface, and on the north face there is a fountain niche. Other faces are deaf. The fountain niche has a pointed arch in which three thin pipe moldings surround the fountain in the form of a U and is kept inward from the surface. The white marble fountain has an unadorned rectangular mirror and trough and a bowl that appears to have been renewed during the last repairs. It is given in six lines and twenty-four cartridges on a green background on the pediment. Just above the text of the inscription II.Abdülhamit's tughra.

The inscription of the tower includes the following ghazal:

Zülal-i Himmet of a Shahinshah

He did reyyân mulk ü nation

Bâreka'llâh Hadrat Abdulhamid

It became the source of comfort for every individual

O God, forgive the nation

He has done the blessing of the world

Munteşir envar-ı şâdî ser-te-ser

Everyone's increasing satisfaction

O mâkarim-pîşe, of the good-worry

Every hour of a year's life

There is a clock in this, there is an observation, nazira

There is a fountain, there is a ritual, and pay attention

And one who is innocent of afât-i savâ'ik

The instrument was set to act

Bâ-husûs pushed like Cemil Pasha

I have a lot of effort-data service

May His Holiness Mawla bless you

Nice ömr âna o haslî hasleti

Be Hâme-rân Zevkiyâ with gratitude

This is the embezzlement of the asdika

He made six tazyil and made his history

Tell me, it's Ashraf's hour

Year 1313 Ketebehu Recep Yesari



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